
Sunday, January 25, 2009

As you can tell from my lack of posts lately, I've been busy and lazy these few weeks. I'd been meaning to post this early though.

I've observed something quite a while ago... The people at work are a rather touchy-feely bunch. My buddy in particular is someone who likes to touch people on the arms, point very close in people's faces and general invade people's personal space when talking to them.

I can't blame them for being touchy-feely now can I? They just happen to really love human contact but I don't. So being subjected to their brand of friendship is a little--uncomfortable.

I've never been touchy-feely. Jess had been trying to get me to hug her back for all of 10 years rather unsuccessfully. I've long suspected that it could be because I was brought up in a family that isn't affectionate by nature and therefore not used to such displays. We don't hug, we don't kiss, we don't exchange 'love you's when we leave the house or end phonecalls. It wasn't until I'm 18 that mom started dispensing hugs freely and that really wigged me out a bit. But that's not to say I abhor touch or anything. I'd rather be the one initiating the touch, is all...

Another thing I noticed a while ago was the people at work really like to discuss relationship stuff and/or match-make single people--which really annoys me because I'm always one of the subjects of interest seeing as I'm single. But unlike the other single people, I'm not actively looking to be un-single.

This had always been the problem since I was 12. Everyone's out to make sure everyone else gets hitched so that said everyone can have their boyfriends/girlfriends and not feel guilty about not being single. At every stage of my life, whenever I enter a new institution or had a change of environment, everyone would be doing that and I had to inform them none-too-kindly that I am not interested in so-and-so or so-and-so or so-and-so enough times for them to leave me be.

Don't seem to work with Jess though.

0 shots

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

I get blindsided everyday

A number of years ago, we were going through a massive furniture replacement period for the whole house and I bought the loft bed from IKEA which I absolutely loved.

A few years ago, I salvaged a sofa armchair from the set that was gonna be thrown away as the leather had started to crack and tear and shifted it into my room.

Many months back, mom started nagging for me to throw away that armchair as "it was taking up a lot of space" in my room. I didn't think so. Bro--who practically lived in my room and only retreating to his room just to sleep--didn't think so either. Outvoted, she proceeded to nag at me every now and again to get rid of it but I didn't.

2-3 months back, mom started to drop hints about how the loft bed is getting old and she should replace it with a normal bed for me. It didn't take long before she gave up dropping hints (as I am the biggest Captain Oblivious you might ever meet) and asked me straight up and in my face if I wanted to change beds. I said no again. I really love my loft bed and it's such a space-saver. It was the reason why I could afford to haul a sofa armchair into my room in the first place. Again, she tried to involve my bro into this and bro thinks my loft bed is a good idea and she got outvoted again.

Finally, last month, she started the topic of mattresses and I casually mentioned I would like to have a firmer one as the old one was getting soft and she dragged me out for some mattress shopping that weekend. So we ordered one of my choosing and went home. When she got home, she had a brainwave and ask me if I wanted to change the loft bed as the new mattress was really heavy and would be hard to change on a loft bed. I didn't think it was such a big deal so I said no again. We'd gotten on fine with the old one, what's so different with the new one?? O_o

Last Friday, I came home and the first thing she said was "the mattress (is of a) wrong size" and I was puzzled. Didn't we order Super Single like we always did? I'm pretty sure my bedsheets were all Super Single. It turns out, my old mattress was a Single but it was thick so we had to fit Super Single sheets to it so it wouldn't keep riding up the edges. The next thing she said was "I'd ordered a new bed for you". And I got a bit hysterical. Why does she bother asking me in the first place if she's just gonna do what she wants anyway?!?! I might not be so pissed if she had said "I'm gonna change your bed and there's nothing you can do about it. Muahahah..." all those months ago. =___= Jess asked if her asking me if I wanna change was just for formalities sake and I'm inclined to agree.

So okay fine. Nothing I can do about it anyway. The mattress is already in the other room and the bed is coming whether I like it or not. We set about planning how should we shift the furniture in my room and came to a conclusion that deferred slightly from what she had planned. The bed would be somewhere in the middle of the room instead of at the corner, with the headboard facing the door. Then she said there'll be a board at the foot of my new bed to block the unsightly underbelly of my new bed which will be stuffed with my junk and me, my bro and my aunt who happened to be around and helped came up with our new floor plan were all O_O. I asked if we could change to one without the board since the bed will be in the middle of the room and the unsightly junk can and will be seen from all angles unless there are boards on all sides of the bed. Mom said it can help block dust. Bro and aunt and me went O_O again. Sure, it blocks dust from the foot of the bed. What about either side of the bed?! Dust can't gather through the exposed length of the bed apparently. So fine, she said she's gonna go check if she could change the bed for me on Saturday.

Which means I'm gonna finally get the lesser of two evils. Woot. Then she told me to stay at home to clear out the room on Saturday and Sunday--even though I'd already told her I'm gonna go shopping for new clothes on Saturday and Sunday. Her reason was that if she were to change to the boardless bed, there is stock so she can get it delivered earlier and I need to clear out the room in preparation. =_=" I said we'll see how it goes. If she manage to get it delivered earlier, we'll clear out the room on Saturday and Sunday. If not, I'll go shopping.

Obviously, we stayed home for the weekend, cleared out some drawers and cupboards, took apart the loft bed, reassembled the loft bed in another room, took down shelves, put up shelves somewhere else, shifted tables, rewired computers, shifted cupboards, shifted drawers, repainted one wall of the room as it was purple behind the shelves that was taken down and my room is apple green. I kinda like that random rectangle of purple against the rest of the apple green wall but mom wouldn't have that abomination and commissioned dad to dig around for green paint. He found a can of Spring Green, which is sort of the kind of newly-grown-grass green. Not apple green but close enough. And the whole wall was uniformly colored, not just the rectangle of purple so she gave it her ok.

She'd arranged for the bed to be delivered on Tuesday and gotten my aunt to come by to receive it but on Monday, aunt's boss told her to go to another location at the last minute and I found out I had to take half day leave. Oh well. It's *my* bed. Then she dropped another bombshell. The bed being delivered will still have the board. WHAT!!?!?!? Didn't I explicitly tell her I don't want board at foot of bed? O_O!!!! This is getting frustrating. She said the guy told her there is stock for that type of bed and she exclaimed "and you wanted me to wait another 2 weeks for it??" so the guy agreed to deliver next week. WTF!?!?!!? I don't care if there is stock for the bed with that board. I want a normal bed with 4 legs and no boards except for the one at the head. I might have mentioned I'm going to take an axe to that footboard.

It is now Tuesday and I'm waiting for the delivery guy to come by with my bed. ...I wonder what shocking revelation will be waiting on the other side of my door when I get home tomorrow.

Edit: Apparently I don't hafta wait til tomorrow to have my side blinded. Called the shop up at 1730 and found out that the factory side cocked up and thought the delivery guy got the bed for delivery even though the delivery guy didn't physically get the bed out for delivery. What a waste of my leave. The bad news is aunt still can't come by as she is posted elsewhere and I can't take another half day leave coz I have something on at work in the afternoon.

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