Thursday, August 10, 2006
A couple of things to update on... After such a long time, you bet there's gonna be a couple of things for me to update.
1. Cartoons at age 20.I'm on a TT head trip these past few weeks, camping through 4 out of 5 season in a week's worth of hours and a trip over to to dig up on some decent fics on my beloved teenaged heroes. I hadn't wanna pick this series up (even after Jessica made such a big deal about how nice it is. I wasn't sure I could sit through half an hour of Robin.) but one morning while doing laundry, the neighbor kids were watching it at their usual volume (which means loud enough for the entire building to hear) and out of curiosity, I turned it on. And I'm hooked! Who knew brightly-colored anime-styled American cartoons was just what I needed to get back to trying to watch Saturday morning cartoons?
I was on a JLU-obsessed period at the same time the TT head-trip set in and it's thanks to another friend who shall be know to all as zy. He set me up for that. He baited me into getting Justice League Unlimited from him and got me to get Justice League (sort of the same series, with JL coming before JLU but both can be viewed separately.) because I'm anal that way. I need to have the complete series of a show that I like. A couple of novels/comics on the side is fine as well =3
And on at least 5 separate occasions, I got laughed at by my uncle and aunt. My uncle, having had a bad experience with his own aunt laughing at him, is determined to pass the bill around. And instead of feeling ashamed like he did, I laughed it off and continued with my morning cartoon. My aunt, that lovely silly aunt of mine, came into my room was I was watching Teen Titans asked for my age and my reason for watching it. After I stated both, she sat down besides me and was so completely drawn into that episode that she hardly said a word (and she is so much the talker). I'm feeling proud of my cartoons. And now that I have at least one adult on my side, it's time to conquer the rest of the post-teen population.
2. Hustle on Hallmark Channel??Lucky me! During a commercial break, I did what I always do (and that got on everyone's nerves) by channel-surfing. And on that lucky day, I paused when I saw a familiar name and a familiar face. The name was Hustle and the face was Mickey Stone. And a quick check of the local TV listings showed that the episode I had accidentally stumbled upon was in fact the first episode of the series!
I've had only heard of this series through Sylum Clans and because of my lack of knowledge, I'd assumed Mickey was much younger than he really is. mickey_stone's display pix did not help with the age-determining.
So, just like that, out of curiosity to a fellow Sylum mate's choice of alter-ego, I sat down through the repeat (at an ungodly hour of 12 midnight) and I'm suckered in. I'm getting sucked into a lot of things lately. But this is one whirlpool I don't mind drowning in.
3. Gary Oldman, lookin' fine~For anyone who has seen the latest Nokia N93 advertisement featuring him as "a leading man", you'd know what I'm talking about. For those who haven't, I found a clip online. He looks absolutely fabulous in it. I love the man and everything but all I've ever seen him in is movies where he's the villain or the psycho and more often than not, he's both. The last time I've seen him was as Harry Potter's godfather Sirius Black, and I have to say that movie(s) didn't do him any justice at all. Some people sure clean up nicely :-D
...He's tempting me to change my phone... and I think it's working...
4. Discovery Travel and Living, so near yet so farLast month, Discovery Travel and Living had put out a casting call in Asia for their new season of 5 Takes travel show hosts. I occasionally tune in and I did catch the advert but wasn't that compelled to try out. Let's just say I do not have the highest regard in terms of my looks (even though I think I'm super in everything else :P). But on the last day of their preliminary casting call online, my aunt (yes, that same aunt that who sat with me through an exciting episode of TT) asked if I would like to travel and work as their show host. Of course I do and she told me to just try out, so I did. I sent in my particulars (name, age, sex, email) and a short (150 words or less) description of why I should be one of their five new show hosts. I would like to say it's one of my wittier attempts at a self-introduction. Do you want a transcript of what I submitted? :P
I didn't give much thought to it after hitting [submit] until I got an email reply from them two days ago. *insert squeal here* The email informed me of my being selected for a second round of audition and that I need to tape and submit a video log and blog like the other 5 Takes show hosts did. Even though I didn't think I would actually get in, it was quite flattering to know that I have it in me. That they would like to see more of me. Either that, or there is less than 6 person who signed up for it and I got into the 2nd round by default.
So after a minute of hesitation, I clicked on the link that brought me to the main page for my 2nd round of info-filling. And what do you know, that page asked for my exact date of birth. And because I'm a couple of days... ok, months, short of the minimum age (21 years old), I could not go on! Seriously, I got my hopes up for one second and it got crushed on the next.
Well... at least I know I passed the prelims and I could always try again right? Maybe after graduating, because next year is gonna be hectic and the final year is gonna be worse. But still... it's nice in a fleeting sort of way.
And thus ends my very long and very pointless real life update. *bows and exit stage left*
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