1) Gotten a new job as a tech support engineer at a small company servicing lasers and microscopes and stuff.
2) Opened up my laptop to find out what's wrong with the screen and reaffirmed my hatred for fixing small tiny things.
3) Dropped my less than 2 months old phone face first onto the concrete floor and cracked the glass.
~~~~~ Details below ~~~~~
1) Started on 01 Feb after just 1 round of interview. Just like DSTA. Speaking of, I also started on the 1st day of the month in DSTA. Maybe I should make it a thing. Easier for those pesky online job application forms-filling too.
So far, is enjoying my time there even though I got a self-imposed slight pay-cut. I wonder how well all them lasers and microscopes will hold up against my curse. XD
However, having a proper job means I don't have as much time to do my school stuff. I really hafta buck up. Exactly 1 month away from a paper for a killer subject and don't get me started on the assignments yet. D:
Sometimes, it heals itself and the screen is working great. Sometimes, no amount of fiddling with battery pack & power cable helps.
When I fixed it up to an external monitor, it works perfectly. So that means at least the mobo is not shot.
So I cracked it open a few weeks ago to check if the cable is loose. Nope, tight as a whistle.
Conclusion is either the connector is gone or the cable is spoilt. I've got nothing to test the connector with and no spare laptop lcd cable lying around to test. I really don't wanna open up the bottom to get to the mobo either coz I already had so much trouble with just the screen.
Hate tiny parts. D:
3) Ordered my phone on Christmas eve. Received my phone a week later. Dropped it on Valentine's Day. That's less than 2 months. D:
Luckily the LCD underneath the glass is still working. Was still using the cracked glass that was held in place by the screen protector to back up my shit. :D
The service center picked up my phone via courier (they really do go anywhere!) but they quoted me almost $300 to fix the LCD screen. I know for a fact that the LCD is fine and that the glass cost about 10% of that price on eBay so I said no thanks. Just gimme back my phone.
So they said I hafta pay $36 "checking fee". Like, it's pretty obvious my screen cracked. So I told the guy, no, I'm not gonna pay the $36 "checking fee". Guy on phone paused for a whole 5 seconds before putting me on hold. Another guy picked up and said, okay, since you're still under the warranty, we'll waive the checking fee this once. Fine by me. If my phone dies again, I will just ask my uncle to fix it--or sell it to him if it's beyond repair. Never gonna go back to the service center again man...
Got the phone back 2 days later and to my relief, the LCD is still working underneath the cracked glass.
The gods must know I am working and is thus in possession of some disposable income that can be used to fix my gadgets. T_T
Warning: Incoherent blag & Ridiculously long length
This video just came up on my Facebook wall, shared by a friend from her friend.
As I watched, a couple of choice opinions formed so I shall list them down in chronological order.
1. Isn't it like the whaling problem in Japan?
2. How's that working out for you, ecovangelists?
3. Chinese eat them because of status. It's hard to get sharks' fin so it costs a lot to get them. But many Chinese are earning more and getting richer so they can easily afford to eat them now.
4. ...There are a lot more Chinese than Japanese. It's gonna be harder to stop fin-cutting than whaling and if they can't even put a halt to whaling yet, do you think will the sharks' fin-cutting will not continue?
5. Good for some of them, putting a stop to selling sharks' fin soup. But that's only a small victory. The patrons could easily just find another place that sells them if they really want to have some of them fins.
6. ...The fin industry should jack up the price more. See how many people can still afford to eat them after that. Back to status quo.
7. Even if they really make it illegal to hunt and de-fin sharks, do you think the Chinese will not find another way? We are nothing if not creative.
8. Yes, it is sad and cruel that they just dumped the de-finned shark back into the waters and yes, we do pride ourselves in being able to make full use of an animal and this is really one of the shining example of our most wasteful dish but that said, I will still eat it.
So far, the only time I have the chance to have sharks' fin soup is during wedding dinners where the courses are all paid for by the newly weds. If I do not finish my soup, it will go down the drain and the senseless death of the shark it came from would be really in vain. Not to mention a huge waste of money on the newly weds' part--they (probably) only wanted to make their wedding dinner a grand one.
But after *that* is being said, I don't think I'll go out of my way to purchase and/or prepare sharks' fin soup on my own.