
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Whee... I've done more in a week than I'd done in the past 6 mths! =3

Mon: Skipped some rope
Tue: Cooked some spaghetti
Wed: Practiced some swings using the bokken
Thu: Sprinted down the length of the the mini-corridor that leads to my room
Fri: Swam a few laps

I know there's still the weekends but already I have done more than I had in the past 6 jobless months.

Edited on 28 Mar 2011
Sat: Movie'd with HJ
Sun: Last min meet up with Irene Belle before she left on a jet plane (:S Sorry girl! Didn't get to see you earlier and when we met, I was engrossed with 4gu's Galaxy Tab instead... /feels bad D:). Cycled to the end of East Coast Park.

Now I've officially done more than I had in the past week than I had done in the last 6 months! :D


Also, I'd been trying to make myself wake up earlier this week so I could go swim but the magnetic pull of the pillow is too strong! Even when I'm conscious at 9am, it didn't take much for me to drift off again.

But today, while watching Monday's episode of TDS and TCR in the evening (we intended to watch all 4 days' worth of them at one go XD), I noticed the weather was nice and sunny in a good way and I kept saying I should go out. Was ready to go fly kite at the roof of the multistorey carpark near my house but bro noted that there isn't really much wind to fly it. So I changed plans. Showered, packed my swimsuit, towels and toiletries and off I go~

It's been years since I'd went to Tampines Swimming Complex and boy had it changed! There's a giant mushroom water fountain thing! And a 2nd level deck for people to tan on. And holy crap, the amount of kids learning swimming is huge! I had to keep dodging legs and arms.

Breaststroke was okay but I was out of breath real quick after swimming freestyle. Stamina long gone... D: Because I was out of breath real quick, I stuck to the 1st and 2nd lane closest to the edge of the pool.

So there was this tanned and toned guy at the end of the pool and what I noticed first about him was his distinctive circular tribal tattoo design on his right shoulder blade (from now on known as Tanned and Toned Circular Tribal Tattoo guy or TTCTT guy for short). Can't see his face nor his tattoo that clearly coz I've got no specs on so meh. He was always at the 1st or 2nd lane when I reached the end but when he swam, he sorta glides through the water real fast. But he was always at the end by the time slow me reached.

I had told myself I'd do 5 laps and swim more if I can still go on but after 5 laps, I can't go on. So by end of lap 5, I was pretty out of breath and was lounging by the edge. TTCTT guy chose that time to glide over and asked me if I was learning freestyle. The following conversation took place by the poolside.

TTCTT guy: Are you learning freestyle?
Inner Me: No, I know how to do freestyle swimming. It's one of my worst strokes but I learnt it before. Gods, I can't tell him I'd learnt it before! That's just embarrassing!
Me: Yea, sorta... Ahaha...
TTCTT guy: Well, you might wanna lower your head in the water more
Inner Me: Ya think?
Me: Yea but I'm pretty out of breath to do that
TTCTT guy: Coz your head is a tilted too close to the surface *does hand approximation of my head and body* and it slows you down.
Inner Me: I knew that!
Me: Yea... Ahaha...
TTCTT guy: It's easier if you keep your head parallel to your body.
Inner Me: Yea I know but I can't coz--
Me: Ahaha... Yea, I couldn't hold my breath underwater too long...
Inner Me: I used to be able to do that relatively ok... Gods, all my stamina! Gone!!
TTCTT guy: Okay...
Me: Ahaha...

Silence ensues and after threading some water, he glided off. I decided to try one last lap with my head down like he said and yes, it is easier and faster but it took a lot more effort and I really really ran out of breath faster too. And if there weren't so many kids around, I prolly would've do another 1-2 laps but I've had enough of dodging limbs so I got out, all the while wondering if he thinks I got scared/frightened/shy and got out of the pool right after he talked to me. But that's not it. I gave myself a limit and that limit couldn't be extended due to my current physique and stamina so I got out, not because I got scared/frightened/shy. Really!

Bought donuts, honey glazed chicken drumlets and Gong Cha home. The Mother saw my feast and said me going swimming was a waste of effort if I'm gonna eat all that. Bro heard and whispered to me "Not so. You only went to swim coz the weather was nice". I laughed. Got to the living room and Dad asked me what was my reason to go swim--Health? Weight loss? Swim for the sake of swimming?--and I told him the truth, which was what bro said to me, that I went swimming coz the weather was nice. So me eating all that stuff did not really matter with respect to the reason of me going swimming today. Dad told The Mother that and The Mother was a little miffed.

But all was well.

I did not tan at all under the evening sun and will be getting mighty sore for the next few days but I had fun. And a random guy talked to me! I don't get many random guys talking to me... XD

0 shots

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Just saw this flash by on Yahoo SG--Did Hollywood star go too far with his Singapore jokes? Or if you have 01min 44sec to spare, click here for the video!

Which reminded me of that one time, when Linkin Park had their concert in Singapore, and after they went back, someone asked them what they thought of Singapore and Chester (I think) said it's like being in Grandma's house--they hafta behave, obey rules, can't curse and swear, can't go too crazy, etc...

Hmm... I don't know if I should be glad they even know this little red dot or be sad they know this little red dot by well-founded stereotypes.

Then again, they are Americans. Oh wait no, Seth Rogen is Canadian. There goes my witty all-encompassing stereotypical blanket comment. :P


Side note: I've been thinking of making a list of movies and/or TV shows that mentions Singapore gratuitously (because any mentions of Singapore in any media is gratuitous) for years now but I'm just too lazy and unpatriotic to do so.


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Monday, March 14, 2011

Last weekend was the first of the quarterly IT show and I was planning to go on Fri but I got lazy and stayed in. Then Saturday came and went. Although Sun is usually the best day to go get stuff, I didn't even think of going as there was lab for the whole afternoon and we usually end labs at around 6-7pm...

Aunt wanted to go with me if I went on Fri coz her laptop and desktop is dead for a few months already but since I didn't go, she called me on Sun to get some tips. Tried to get me to go with her but told her our class might end real late. Said I could meet her for dinner or something after my class if I end early and she's still at Suntec. :)

And lo, all the stars and planets aligned and we ended real early yesterday! Thanks, lab demons! XD

So I reached Suntec around 5pm but she's not even there yet! I thought she's already at Suntec when she called me earlier!! *_* I'm too hungry to start the battle yet so we went for lunch at Ichiban Boshi. Everything is delicious!! I really really love their Chicken Katsu Curry Rice~~ <3

We went around the usual booths and complained about the services of the local telcos, the lack of appeal for Apple products to us (settle down, fanboys!), our mutual love for how stuffs work and how I don't go to IT shows with friends. To be fair though, I don't like to go with friends to large exhibitions coz I'll hafta squeeze through the crowd, wait for them and make sure I don't lose them while on my own, I could be done in less than an hour. And I really don't have much friends who likes gadgets enough to squeeze through the insane crowd 4 times a year.

She wanted to get a desktop computer so we looked at Dell and HP. Decided on the HP set coz we both prefer HP to Dell. She also bought a wireless keyboard and mouse plus the cooling base board thing for laptops coz it spoiled.

She also wanted to get the Samsung Galaxy Tab coz the touch screen is more sensitive than the older iPhones/iPod Touch and she can finally use her fingerprint-less index finger on it. Strange but true.

And so! After almost 7 paragraphs of setting up the situation and providing some context, we arrive the main point of this post. It was at the entrance of the Singtel booth where my aunt was queuing to get her Galaxy Tab when I saw a guy who looks just like this guy in that crazy lame 80-ep TV series I recently finally finished watching. Face to face and everything! That guy I saw IRL is a little shorter and slightly tanner than what I imagine that guy from the show would be like IRL. He even had the same type of haircut and clothes on! *_*

Because I was leaving the booth when he was entering, I took notice of him for only a short few seconds. I tried to go back to see if I could still spot him in the booth for a closer look and confirm that the guy I saw really really exist and looks just like that guy from TV but no luck.

Now, before you chalk this up to like some weird delusion or fantasy, let me just clarify that I don't even like that guy from the show!

...The brain works in mysterious ways... O_o

/cue Twilight Zone theme

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Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Few months ago, after watching Tron: Legacy and being endlessly entertained by the scene-stealer Castor/Zuse, I went on a mini Michael Sheen kick and watched a lot of his movies. I'd watched the Blair trilogy (The Deal, The Queen & The Special Relationship) back to back. Then I got bored and watched all 3 Underworld movies in a row. While watching the Underworld movies, I kept exclaiming "Assassin's Creed!" whenever Lucian appeaered. Especially during the third and arguably the best one in the trilogy (because of the lack of Beckingsale? XD).

It could also be because I'd just watched a buncha awesome and very cinematic game trailers, one of them being Assassin's Creed. /easily influenced

So I went and read up on that game but before it reached critical mess and made me think of it day and night, bro said Steam had a promo for the games. I didn't wanna get it... Truth be told, I'm not a big gamer and I'm definitely not a big PC gamer. I prefer console and the solid weight of the controller. Being the kind of person that I am, the want grew stronger and stronger but by the time I made up my mind to get it, the promo had ended. Curse my indecision!!

A few weeks ago, while discussing Steam and the games they offer, I told him to tell me if they have anymore promo for the Assassin's Creed series and he chided me for not getting it the first time he told me. Ah ha ha... Ah ha ha ha ha... /天然バカ

Then on Saturday, he told me there's another promo with Assassin's Creed! It's the Director's Cut version with 3 other games--Call of Juarez, Far Cry 2 and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Again, I didn't wanna get it coz it's only the first game and there are 2 other games after that.

Today, when bro got home, he kept telling me to check my email but I'd been checking my email the whole day (f-ing lab reports...). Turns out, he sent the mail to a combination of my hotmail and gmail address. Turns out, he gifted me the promo! XD

And best of all, he told me the same thing fatboyho told me when he gifted me Team Fortress 2--You Owe Me.

After installing and playing through the first memory block, I have come to the conclusion that I really do prefer console games. I kept thinking of how well I would've been able to play it with a controller in hand... D: I just hope they don't have any time-critical stuffs I needa do coz I really suck with the directions control XD ...At least I'm slightly better in AC than I am in TF2

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