Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Ah... Quarter-life crisis. I was expecting you.
Thought I should list some stuff to tally what I have and haven't done with my life.
I have:
Finished Kindergarten.
Finished Primary School.
Finished Secondary School.
Finished Polytechnic.
Finished University. (Woot!)
Worked a few part-time jobs.
Worked as an intern.
Worked my first full-time job.
Quit my first full-time job.
Been to Malaysia.
Been to Thailand.
Been to Hong Kong.
Been to Taiwan. (Twice with family, once with ALZ)
Been to Lyon for work. (With work people)
Been to Paris for play. (On my own after Lyon work trip! XD)
Learned to cycle.
Obtained Gold for swimming.
Failed Piano Grade 3 but passed Grade 4. (Lost interest. And although no one told me anything, I'm pretty sure I'm a talentless piano player XD)
Gotten Standard First Aid certification. (But it's expired for like at least 10 years now...)
Obtained my driver's license on my third try. (If at first you don't succeed, try try again. There is no helping inherently lousy driving skillz though.)
Built CPUs for both bro and myself.
Laptop. (Didn't really need it but it's used by bro more nowadays)
PSP. (On loan indefinitely to bro)
Sony portable FM radio. (Old skool yo!)
Panasonic portable CD player. (On loan and then forgotten to get it back from cousin)
Sony MP3 player. (Bar of soap!)
iPod Touch. (Apple, I am disappoint.)
Too many TV shows/movies/vidoes/books/comics/CDs/songs. (And yet, it's never enough! /magpie)
I haven't:
Studied for MCAT.
Tried to qualify for med school.
Re-qualify for my Standard First Aid cert.
Tried to qualify for lifeguard cert. (Shiong...)
Saved enough money to start bike lessons.
Bungee jumped.
Sky dived.
Base jumped.
Skinny dipped.
Whitewater rafted.
Been to America. (LA! NY! Midwest! Hawaii! And Canada along the way)
Been to UK.
Been all over Europe. (I'm looking at you Dublin, Amsterdam, Holland, Munich, Berlin, Madrid, Monaco, Rome, Vatican City, Geneva, Zurich, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Prague, Moscow and just for the punny, Budapest in Hungary. Hurhur...)
Been to Australia. (And New Zealand along the way)
Been to Mediterranean Islands.
Been to Japan. (Tokyo! Shinjuku! Kyoto! Osaka! Okinawa!)
Been loved.
I'm still:
Doing a part-time B.Sc.
Not looking for a job even though I really should.
Not waking up early enough.
Not going swimming/running/exercising enough.
Struggling with the rollerblades.
Haven't finish watching/reading/listening to all the TV shows/movies/videos/books/comics/CDs/songs I own.
I haven't really lived, have I? :S
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Tuesday, November 02, 2010
I am officially out of job for a month and a day.
I have spent most of my month and a day at home. Sleeping at 5am, waking at 1pm, surfing the net, reading fics and watching TDS & TCR clips from 1pm to 5am (except for all the times my presence is required in classes and/or outside). I remember less than a week after my first day of unemployment, bro commented on how quickly I fell back into my old
pillaging ways of sleeping late, waking later and doing nothing all day. I concur. I was not surprised at how easily I let myself fall back into my old ways but I am a bit disappointed at how I don't have the motivation to do what I told myself I would do when I finally break free. Like go swimming. Or skip some rope (well to be fair, I did skip some rope the other day). The inertia is strong in this one.
It wasn't until 22 days after my work stoppage that I was suddenly jolted into thinking, my, it's already 22nd of October. Everyday seem to blend together. And not in a nice trippy way. It's all a dull monotonous drift. And since that day, I have been trying to wake up earlier and getting out of the house by 11am to go anywhere. Ended up sleeping at 5am and waking at 1pm and not getting out of the house coz it's sort of after 11am.
Oh, and also. Bought books from Kino. Bought books from Amazon. Bought radio/remote thing for the Touch (yay radio!). Watched 3 movies in one day. Wrote a fic. Accompanied aunt to A&E. JB'd my Touch (yay pirate!). Really need to finish my essay.
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