
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Dear Windows Live Messenger 2011 (Wave 4),

You suck.

I know you're trying to unify our online world but have you ever stopped to consider that some people don't want to unify their online world?

Remember Google Buzz? Remember the hate pouring from all sides except for one angle? Maybe you've felt a bit of the radiating hatred yourself--oh wait. Now I remember. You were busy MAKING WLM SHITTIER.

My Facebook friends don't need to know what I put on my Messenger. My Messenger friends don't need to know what I put on my Facebook. I don't use Twitter so you can't screw things up for me there. Ha. Ha.

First off, why'd you remove our ability to change our display name on Messenger? I hafta go to my email account settings and change it so that not everyone will know what my full name is. You know how much information can be gotten with just a full name? Apparently you don't. Coz Bing sucks too.

And why'd you remove the handwriting feature? It is one of the more useful feature of Messenger. Now I hafta go to MS Paint or another graphics program to draw a simple molecule or circuit diagram, save and send it to my friends when I need to ask for their help instead of just tabbing to the handwriting screen and draw there directly.

I don't have a webcam so you can't screw things up for me there either. But apparently, you put a lot of work into the video chat and video message support. What can I say? I don't like to see my face anywhere near me, not even on my face. Too bad for me, eh?

One thing I haven't really gotten to playing around with is the contacts. Coz I don't have new friends and don't feel like making some just to test that feature out. Did you take out the add-contact-to-Messenger-equals-add-contact-to-Hotmail feature too? How about groups? Did you take out the arrange-Messenger-contacts-in-Hotmail-into-groups feature also? Well??

Now that the new features are mostly complained about, let me backtrack and complain about an old feature a little. What's up with the scene? I can never get the dimensions right and when I got it to look OK to me, it'll look screwed up on my friend's chat screen. I have long since given up and just decided since I can't see what my friend sees, I don't hafta care about how screwed up it looks to them. But still! It'll be nice to have like a preview of how it looks like so I can tweak the scene to match perfectly.

Finally, after all the hate, I would just like conclude by saying I really like the 4 little colored squares that lets me choose my status when I hover over the taskbar icon on a machine running Windows 7. Not sure if the feature is *ahem* featured on Vista (UNCLEANNNNNNNN) or XP (unlikely) but I thought that's a nice touch.

Ah well... Winding down now. I don't know why I bother sometimes. All my anger, like every post I make, will forever be lost in the obscurity of the blogosphere anyway, never to be heard from by the people who put out WLM. But if any of you WLM developers happen to chance upon this post and read it, I would just like to ask for you to please make WLM not suck.

In the meantime, can we downgrade back to the old WLM 2009 (Wave 3)? Can we still get the program to reinstall the old one? Please??

Yours faithfully,
Angry WLM user

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