
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Planning and doing are two different actions... Or, I went to the IT show to get a RAM and I came home with a sound card and a busted up headphone & mic set.

(Goshdarnit, I feel like I'm writing the title for a Gintama episode... =3)

So I went to the IT on Saturday with the intention of getting some DVDRs and maybe some RAM or a PS2 memory card since the old one is starting to save corrupted data.

First stop, PS2 memory card. There was a small pile of PS2 controllers on offer but no memory card in sight so I asked the girl standing besides the cart if they sell any PS2 memory cards. She asked me "PS2??" with a slightly disbelieving look on her face and I said yes. As if to confirm her disbelieve, she asked again. Lol... I think I chuckled when I replied yes again. She finally gotten past her shock of someone asking about that bloody ancient console and said no. Gee.. that was an amusing 10 seconds of my life right there. What a great way to start my trawl.

Next up is RAM shops. Real cheap stuff but I already have 4GB that isn't quite dead yet so I figured I can hold out until it actually dies and get new ones. It's not like I can't get it elsewhere at around the same price anyway. There goes my plan.

After that, I spied the discs shop and noted that the DVDRs are f-ing cheap now. So are external harddisks. Tough choice...
Pros of DVDR: don't hafta worry about it crashing on me and losing a lot of data (it's 4.7GB max)
Cons of DVDR: hafta worry about disc degradation and eventual obsolescence of technology (think laser discs...)
Pros of external harddisks: small size, big storage
Cons of external harddisks: prone to crashing (hafta be gentle and cannot drop it), will need to recover a large amount of data if spoilt/crashed/gone kaput/met its maker
...I think I'll stick with DVDRs for now. Or until they come up with a shock- and crash-resistant drives that is able to store data for eons.

My circuit around the convention hall alerted me to the Creative booth and I thought maybe I should check out their sound card. I love Creative's sound card. I'm still using the one that was with me since 2 CPUs ago. It's still working great! Barring the I-kill-your-CPU-if-you-screw-me-into-your-mobo and the variable-sound-level-without-adjusting-the-knob problem. The new (and only) entry-level sound card on offer is actually an upgrade of the one I have and it comes with a headset with mic. The guy was pitching it (the headset with mic, not the sound card) like it's the best thing in the world. Riiiight... I'll think about it first. Ended up buying it from the same guy before we left.

Also, bro made the stupid mistake of assuming we'll be gone after we get some PSP memory cards. We being me and bro and my aunt and her family. Bought the 8GB memory card at the first store he saw even though I asked if he wanted to take a look around since the first store always jacks up their prices. Turns out, there really *is* another store further in that sells 'em much much cheaper. Paid an extra $10 at the first store coz of the assuming. Sucker... :P

We also got 2 rows of those multi-plug power sockets with surge protection for our computers coz with the amount of electronics we have hooked up and the amount of paper products lying around said electronics, I swear, if my room ever catches on fire (touch wood!), it'll bring the whole street down with it. D:

So we got home, rewired everything to our new surge protected power sockets, plugged in the new sound card (the audiophile in me wept joyously) and realized that the freebie headphone and mic is actually all damaged. The lil teeny bits of plastic holding the headphones to the adjustable headband thing was broken so I now have a tiny headband, a mic attached to one of the earphones and 2 earphones that needs to be held to the ears by hand. Aunt said if she's going back to the IT show the next day, she'll go change it for me but she didn't go so the busted up headphones are still sitting in my room.

I really couldn't bring myself to go down again just to change a piece of shoddy manufacturing that I don't even use! Maybe if I had more principle... I would insist they change one for me as a matter of it.

What do you think? Should I start scrounging for some princples and get 'em (the store that sold me the sound card, not the principles) to change a new set for me?

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