Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Gods... it's secondary school all over again...
So I tried laying off the trailing-like-shadow thing after what happened last friday and today, it kinda got worse.
I got left behind for lunch coz they either assumed I'm meeting someone for lunch or they just couldn't be bothered now that I'm backing off. They used to at least give me a call or text message or something....
And after lunch, apparently I'm not important enough and not part of the team enough to be called for a meeting at site. So I went over after finding out they'd gone without me and felt like a totally unwanted gatecrasher. They were about done when I get there and there were so much whispering and murmuring when I entered I really felt like I shouldn't have even bothered going in the first place. But since I'm there, I pulled on my thickest hide and sat down at the furthest end, reverting back to my insignificant role.
As usual.
And after the meeting finished and we went back to the office, we were given a choice of going off an hour early to make up for yesterday's overtime (intern = no OT pay). Irritating idiot has a date today so he didn't take it. The other 2 guys are planning another outing on Thursday (without me again) so they're taking theirs then. That left me. Well, I'm supposed to be movie-ing with Jess and Shaf tomorrow but I seriously doubt I can take my leave early tomorrow. So basically it's either today or Thursday. Zaid-bot suggested Thursday so we can go watch movie then but dat means I'll be taking leave on the same day as the other 2 guys and I doubt they'll appreciate that. So now I'm home half an hour earlier than my knock-off time. And I'm prolly gonna push back the movie tomorrow by an hour or two, if yesterday was anything to go by.
As usual.
...Damn... I hate feeling like a damn angsty everyone-is-against-me-just-coz-they-can schoolgirl... I thought I'd left that behind 6 years ago. -_-"
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Friday, March 23, 2007
*sighs deeply and dramatically* I'd thought I'd outgrown this feeling. I know I shouldn't wallow but it's kinda hard not to....
Situation: I'm on attachment now with this 3 guys and I've taken to trailing after 2 of them like a shorter girlier shadow (the other 1 grates my nerves to shreds merely by being present). And the 2 of them has gathered practically all of the team I'm attached to (sans mr nerve-grater coz he grates their nerves too) for a nice night out for some fun and beer. Without even asking me along.
I don't know if it's because they think that I don't drink/club/socialize over a pint or two, or that I wouldn't go anyway so there's really no point in asking, but that broke my lil girly heart. They don't want me to be their fwen no more... *single tear* lol... Come to think of it, it could also be because I've trailed them too much during the day, they didn't want me around them any more than necessary. This feeling... it's real juvenile, I know... but still!! :(
So I'm feeling all left out and ignored and basically unimportant. It doesn't help that mr nerve-grater has found 2 new friends--the 2 new young, giggly, impressionable
male poly interns. They took whatever shit he said in readily and mr nerve-grater is happy coz finally! there's someone out there who thinks he's god and his worldly knowledge (all of which I'd already known for at least half a year so he can't fool me >:P) shall educate them. I mean, come on. Even mr nerve-grater found new friends. I'm feeling super low right now.
*in need of some comforting*
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007
So I was at the mall today and mom and I found this abn amro mastercard someone dropped. So I picked it up and went over the the Customers Service counter.
Customers Service Officer (my own acronym CSO): *chirpy voice* Hi, how can I help you??
Me: Uh... I found this card...... *hands over credit card*
CSO: So you found this card where?
Me: Um... outside the entrance... the lift lobby? *gestures the general direction of where I found it*
CSO: You found this... on the ground?
Me: *inner voice* No, I found it suspended in midair. I was able gather enough of my wits to pluck the thing out of the grabby paws of trolls threatening to hobble away with it.
*outer voice* Yah...
CSO: /Pauses for the same length of time as I did/
*same chirpy voice* Oh okay... Thanks!
Seriously, it's like asking someone holding on a tray of food in the cafeteria at noon "Having lunch?"
I swear, sometimes..............
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The date is 12th March 2007. The day marks my first time skipping out on attachment. The reason is simple--I overslept. I knew I had the alarm going but I didn't hear it go off. I didn't even hear mom telling me to wake up, as she always does before she leaves the house for work. It didn't help that I'd burnt all my SG1 episodes onto DVDRs until 4am in the morning. Lol... I really wish I hadn't done that. Feeling bad about skipping out of a whole day of work because I'd overslept but oh well. I hope the supervisors don't ask too much questions. Hmm... maybe I should give a different answer to anyone who asks me. That'll throw them off-balance if they ever decide to compare notes. Haha...
So I went and booked tickets for '300' (so as to be able to watch it from not-the-first-row-from-the-screen) and wow pretty, the movie had stayed true to its source. David Wenham is really working his storyteller old man voice. Such a raconteur, that Dillos. His abs were fab too. As with Gerard Butler and all the other 300++ (bad guy and Queen of Sparta included). The old guy who helped Queen? Dude, what a taunt body for a guy his age. I hafta confess, I'd listed '300' as one of my 2007 to-watch movies coz of David Wenham. The mostly naked men with those impossible abs are such a plus. And of course, the style of the movie (is that what they call cinematography? >_<"), absolutely purrdi~. *eye roll* Yes, the abundance of lol!boobies helped too. :P
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
So I was in town and wanted to go watch '300' (many very hot sexy men with very little clothes *drool*DavidWenham*drool*GerardButler*drool*) and I did the normal thing to do, I went and queued at Shaw Lido's ticketing office. It was a rather long queue and not even remotely close to counter, I realized I'm in the wrong queue. I was in the collection counter for pre-booking and the buy-on-the-spot queue has extended even futher behind my position in the queue.
I gave up and called another branch (Shaw Century Square) to see if there's any places. The guy told me I can't reserve any tickets and that I would have to get the tickets on the spot. So I asked him if there were still places and he said yes, but there might not be many later on. Mind you, I am 1 hour away from that branch. So I hung up and made my way down to get the tickets and what do you know?
Same guy who answered my call (seeing as he's the only guy in the tix office): But uh... we're left with the first row only.
Me: O_O *takes a deep breath and calms self* What about the next show?
Guy: It's 2 hours from now and we're left with the third row.
Me: *hysterical voice* WTF!?! I called earlier and you told me you had seats and that I can't reserve tickets
Guy: Because of the timing and popularity of the movie--
Me: *ignores him* And you don't even provide internet booking services!!!
Guy: Yeeeaaahh... We don't have internet booking--
Me: So you don't have internet booking and you don't do reservations!?!?! How are we supposed to watch a show around here?!?! *stomps off in anger*
My 20/20 hindsight tells me that I should've been more hysterical. Maybe break the glass seperating me from his neck and wring the life out of him. -_-"
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