Thursday, January 25, 2007
It all started with a song.
A Chinese pop song about how the singer spent her birthday alone, wishing herself a happy birthday and generally feeling sad because there's no boyfriend besides her. And that song spawned a mini life-story of this girl in the office.
Apparently, she spent her 21st birthday alone and wished herself a happy birthday and generally feeling sad because her boyfriend isn't with her. She said she went out alone, watched a movie alone and ate dinner alone. Cried the whole day away as well.
So while she was telling her tale, I'm like "I spend my 21st birthday alone too but you don't see me moping". And of course, this being me and all, I didn't say that out loud.
Well, it doesn't help that my 21st birthday fell on the last day of my finals. An evening paper at that. So by the time I finished the last paper of the semester on my 21st birthday, it's already close to 7pm and by the time I get to town or somewhere brightly lit and filled with people, all the shops would be closed. And it's just too sad watching a late movie alone when everyone else is paired up, no matter what day it is. So I opted to go straight home, crack open the bottle of whiskey (Royal Salute, 21 years) which I'd asked my mom to buy earlier that year and made everyone in my house drink with me.
I guess the main difference between her 21st and my 21st is I made the conscious choice of not feeling sad. Instead of going out alone, eating alone and watching a movie alone, I go home and spend quality time with my family. They are still human, no matter what I keep telling myself... :P
I don't think it's that big a deal anyways. So what if I didn't spend my 21st birthday out partying with friends? Which reminds me of a text message I got that day by a friend. He was saying how it's so sad for me to spend my only 21st birthday at home. And I'm like, "everyone is busy and I didn't want to be a bother. Besides, it's a Wednesday, they've got work the next morning". But he went on to say how he thinks I should find someone to go out and go wild that night. I guess he had a point. I only get to celebrate my 21st birthday once but I don't think I'm wrong either.
Really, it's all in the perception.
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
After many months of waiting, the cinemas decided to make me real happy by screening 2 Edward Norton movies one (week) after another. Last week was the much hyped 'A Painted Veil', which received many praises regarding Edward Norton's and Naomi Watts' performance. This week, they screened 'The Illusionist'--the one that I had been keeping my eye out since that search for Edward Norton's new works in Aug '06. 'The Illusionist' was praised for the cinematograpy, pictureque throughout even though the plot thinned in the second half.
So he dies in 'A Painted Veil'... which I hafta say is so~ predictable. Seriously, it's either him or Kitty. Oh well...
And in 'The Illusionist' he made a whole elaborate trick to make sure him and his lover gets away to lead a new life. Basically the two lover birds disappear.
Well, the last time I "saw" Edward Norton was in 'Kingdom of Heaven', 2 years ago. ("Saw" in double quote coz leper King Baldwin with the shiny mask? Yea?? Tha's Edward Norton. Didn't really "see" his face...) And he died there too. Gee... It must be the curse of me liking them. They always end up dead. There's this one Korean actor whom I really like (Shin Ha-gyun if your curious) and he dies 8 out of 10 movies I saw.
1996-Primal Fear
1998-American History X
1999-Fight Club
2000-Keeping the Faith
2002-Death to Smoochy, Red Dragon
2005-Kingdom of Heaven
2007- A Painted Veil, The Illusionist (in Singapore la... 2006 in US and A)
Well... You know what that means... I'll get to see him again in 2 year's time. Too long~~~
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Monday, January 15, 2007
My first play came in the form of a complementary ticket obtained by a friend whose girlfriend works as a dresser in said play. Confused? Basically, this friend (who was introduced to me as a halfass attempt at matchmaking by my jessica many years ago) got free tix to the play because his girlfriend works backstage as a dresser and can't watch it with him because she's working. Comprehende?
I like theaters but I can never go watch it because (a) the tickets are too damn expensive, and (b) I don't have anyone who would appreciate *and* afford to shell out money for their ticket to go with me. It's sad for me because I'd read some great reviews of some plays before but could never go because monetary issues aside, if I were to go alone, I wouldn't have anyone to discuss the play with and god knows how much I like to rant about stuffs.
So lucky for me, this friend of mine got tix and we went. The play is Forbidden Chestnuts: Memoirs of a Brokeback Geisha and it parodies a hell lot of stuff--movies, tv shows, commercials, theaterworks... anything that can be parodied. It's also their 10th anniversary this year (well, technically it's last year...). It's real funny and there's only 5 days left before the last show.
I hafta say that Rodney Oliveiro had came a long way since that local teenage drama Spin. As with many local productions in recent years, that show was awful. I gave up 10 minutes into an episode once and I vowed never to watch it ever again, even the reruns. *shudder* It might be because of the few years that passed since the show and the play, it might also be because of the exaggerations that theaters need but he does seem more at ease and less stiff now. Hossan Leong is fabulous as always and pardon my lack of knowledge on stage actors but this was the first time I'd heard of and seen Jonathan Lim and Judy Ngo but they were great as well.
As for the show, it was split into many smaller segments, some I liked more than others. Again, pardon my lack of knowledge on stage plays, there was a few segments taking digs at previously staged plays and I'm like "huh? I don't get it...". But others, like a spoof of a local tv show about crimes. The title of the show is 'True Files' and the "host" walked up and went on about the standard issue brown paper folder and grey box files used by the lawyers. I especially liked the
wayang kulit version of Poisedon (Chestnuts did a wayang kulit spoof of Titanics way back when and since it's their 10th anniversary and there's another movie about sinking ships, they decided to make a wayang kulit version of it as well). It's all in the delivery. I loved their thick pseudo-malay accent when they spoofed the movie.
So, if you could spare $10-$50, go take a look. Fun stuff!
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
(Skypiea refers to the cloud island in the anime One Piece)Even though no one would get it, but I'd just watched finish THE new ep of House and I want to rave and rant.
Finally, Tritter arc is complete and I squealed like a fangirl. *is proud of squealing like a fangirl* I WAS RIGHT DAMNIT!!! I had started a lil drabble on Tritter actually only wanted House to apologize (be it sincere or not). And there Tritter goes, saying that he cares more for the action than words. Loved how Tritter wished House good luck and that lil frown on House's face that says "WTF is wrong with you? You tried to unsuccessfully jail me and you wish me good luck now?! Well, thanks for that wake-up call by the way."
C'mon Tritter, ya big softie, you just want House to check himself into rehab. You're doing this so that House would admit he *does* have a problem and not blame you for dragging him kicking and screaming to face it. (Well, you are technically dragging him kicking and screaming to face it but at least you're not dragging him kicking and screaming into rehab right?)
H/W to teh max!! The entire arc is so... H/W! The apology scene in rehab wing was awww-inducing and very sexy (take some lines out of context first, tilt your head to the right a lil. You don't hafta squint too hard to get it :P). And that expression on Wilson's face when he found out that House was getting Vicodin from Voldermort---priceless. Wilson took the art of exasperated expressions to a new level.
This ep puts so much blinking lights and loud bleeps on my gaydar. Not that any other ep of the series didn't. The subtext is so... gah! (Not complaining~ *wink*).
Anyway, giving the gay subtext a second thought, I'm like "duh.. the exec producer is Bryan Singer (who is openly gay btw)." Totally shouldn't be surprised so I try not to be It's kinda like that lil lightbulb finally turned on and caused me to "ahhhh~" at the shiny new ray.
(Side note: bro said the reason I'm looking at them so gayly is coz of brokeback (he just sees 2 really good friends) but that's not true. The BestFriendSlash that I love so much started way before brokeback. 6-7 years back actually. Sakuragi Hanamichi/Mito Youhei from the anime Slam Dunk was my first BestFriendSlash pair. And boy did they make me open a whole new can of worms. :P Btw, my second favorite slash type is RivalSlash. There's something very sexy about bickering lovers.)
So after 3 weeks of tortur--I mean, no House MD eps, I'm finally contented and it's a nice enough ending to the 6 eps arc. H/W 4eva!!!!! *rar*
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Thursday, January 04, 2007
I was on a Neil Gaiman craze a couple weeks back (thanks to his new book Fragile Things and 8days' rave review on it) and on a whim, I bought the thinnest book of his I could find in Kinokuniya--Stardust. The whimsical writing and British wit made me compare his writing with Douglas Adam's despite the fact that Stardust is essentially a fairy tale and H2G2 is sci-fi.
So I spent all 4 hours of the flight reading it and a week later, (again on a whim) I scour the web for the release dates of upcoming movies that might hold my interest and what do you know? Stardust popped up.
Unable to believe my impeccable timing (I really should start believing since my timing is almost always impeccable), I dugged around and lo! Listed under Written by is Neil Gaiman (novel). I was right! Once again, I'm 3 steps ahead of the rest of the population. Wee~
Now to wait til mid-March to watch it and see if it lived up to my expectations (tentative release date is 16/03/2007 according to yahoo! movies but we all know how reliable *they* are).
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