
Friday, December 15, 2006

Hey, I learnt a new word today. Thank you, House, for making me look that word up. Now to find an uber-sounding term for needing to be needed (The Wilson's Complex?). Been seeing a lot of this word while scouring the net for more of our favorite doctor with that deliciously caustic tongue. (Crazy stuff innit? I know caustic but I don't known misanthropy) Here's a lil definition.


...My lil brother is misanthropic. He refuses to form proper relationship with people his age, people half his age, people twice his age, people of any age, people of all ages etc. He always claims that humanity is a mistake and humans are out to destroy the planet. My auntie likes to say he's slightly autistic because he prefers to be alone and not form attachments but I don't agree. I just think he hates associating with people. He has no problems forming attachments with Lego bricks, plastic dinosaurs and more recently, my chair, my computer, my keyboard, my mouse, the sashaying purple butt known as World of Warcraft etc. Now that I have a word for it, I'm gonna call him Miss Anthropy for at least a week.

I think I'm should be blamed (at least partially) for him viewing the rest of the population so negatively. Us being siblings made it such that we spend a lot of time being around each other while our parents are out working. Maybe a lil too much time but that's another story for another day. Anyway, me being the chatterbox that I am would come home each day and rant about who did what, who said what, who made me wanna smack him/her because of that stupid thing he/she did/said etc., generally complaining about all the people that I'd met and all the irritating, downright idiotic behavior that present themselves to me several times a day. I can't imagine how an 11-year-old would process all that information on a daily basis because when I was 11, I was out watching the world make a fool of themselves (and complaining about it later in my life. Wasn't that big a complainer before puberty or secondary school, whichever came first, so there).

I guess my daily rants pushed him towards the "people are idiots" line of thinking that would later manifest itself in his antisocial behavior during his own secondary school days. Or he took whatever I threw at him to vent my frustration at the idiocy other people are displaying, filed them away, went on to see for himself and concluded that people are -indeed- idiots. Either way, my rants managed to form this rather sociological problem in him and I don't know how to fix it. I don't want to see him miss out on making good, even great friendships with other people just because of my seemingly trivial behavior. It's so~ not worth it.


Me? I feel that I'm only slightly misanthropic because even though I still think people around me are doing/saying idiotic thing, I don't hate them. In fact, I can't live without them. What other species is gonna supply me with such ample ammunitions if I were to shy away from the rest of the humanity? I've been doing this for too long to stop. :P

To me, the world is filled with good idiots, bad idiots and entertaining idiots. The good ones are the loving and caring and world-peace kinda people because seriously, how are you gonna save the world when you can barely support yourself and/or your family? You're A-Dollar-A-Day might be useful if everyone else is willing to part with their Dollar-A-Day as well. To the insanely rich and famous, I don't believe you did that *just* because you think genuinely wanna help those African babies. I think you are exercising your wealth to make yourself feel super-great, aren't you? "Ooohh... I'm all saintly because I fed the less-fortunate children." If all the celebs were to donate a fraction of the money they earn annually, I'm sure those countries' debts would've been cleared decades ago. But you're still holding onto your mansions with humongous pool and your luxury cars aren't you?

Needless to say, the bad idiots are those who make bad decisions and/or caused a lot of pain and suffering to other men, women, children, cats, dogs, monkeys, donkeys etc. Accidental damage might be excusable (read: to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis) but the damage is still done innit? It gets worse if those bad idiots don't think that they are in the wrong and keep on making those bad decisions and keep on causing a lot of pain and suffering. I don't really blame them for not realizing their folly because our eyes can only see outwards, not inwards... right? It still makes them bad idiots though. That much doesn't change.

As for the entertaining idiots... there's really a broad spectrum of entertaining idiots. My favorite types are those that repeatedly humiliate themselves in front of everybody. It makes for good entertainment... well, at least to me. Those that repeatedly humiliate themselves but don't realize that they are and continue to bask in the glow of less-than-positive stares offered to them really makes my day. It's so fun to see people screw up. Maybe that's why those reality tv shows are so successful. Makes the rest of the world feel better about themselves. The producers are really doing a good job at lifting the spirits of the rest of the peasants, myself included of course. I wonder if there are less cases of depression among avid reality tv show watchers as compared to those who don't want to see the humiliation coz it hurts too much (ow my aching belly? ow my virgin eyes? ow my bleeding ears? just plain ow??). I don't get why people would still do that even though it's embarrassing as hell but they make me smile. Widely. :D So thanks, entertaining idiots! I <3 you guys!!!


Now that House has made misanthropy a form of art, I'm finding a lot of people who says they have high misanthropic tendencies. But do you really? How far are you willing to go for your high misanthropic tendencies? Unless you really start commiting misanthropic murders or misanthropic suicides, please don't claim to have high misanthropic tendencies. You do not have enough evidence to support your claim. Having some misanthropic tendencies is enough to let everyone know you hate humanity and wish to end it--unless you really do something to end it. Then you have all the rights to claim to have high misanthropic tendencies, on top of attaining profuse amounts of my love and respect for you.

Personally, I feel like I'm the bad idiot for slamming so many types of people in one single post but since no one really reads my blog/lj/myspace/any form of online writing, I'm gonna settle for being the entertaining idiot (because even though no one reads my blog/lj/myspace/any form of online writing, I still write them anyway. I'm repeatedly humiliating myself by posting to a place where no one frequents and generally making a fool of myself to those who happen to accidentally stumble upon it through sheer luck... or through a mutual friend's link). Maybe I should make a quiz---What Idiot Are You?

Anyway, you're a good idiot if you had read every single word in this post and just by reading every single word I'd written, you have fulfilled your quota of good deeds for today. Take a break and collected your brownie points tomorrow. If you *haven't* read every single word in this post... well, you're a pseudo-good idiot. Gotta go adopt a baby from one of those Third World Countries or whatever the UN is calling them now. :P

0 shots

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Music: For All The Cows by Foo Fighters

I'm called a cow
I'm not about
To blow it now
For all the cows

It's funny how money allows all to browse
And be endowed
This wish is true it falls into peaces new
The cow is you

My kind has all run out, as if kinds could blend
Some time if time allows, everthing worn in
Like it's a friend

I said you're all a painted doll and it caused
The walls to fall
How far is he? impatiently
That's as far as far can be

A lot of people asked me about my nick on msn the other day--Thanks For All The Cows. Not a single one of them referenced Foo Fighers. So yea, let me just say that my nick reflects upon that song by the Foo Fighters. And yea, thanks for all the cows, people. I love them to bits. Some of them I got for myself coz they're too cute and some of them were given to me coz you all know how much I like my bovine. 7 and counting...

0 shots

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

There is this math game I used to play in primary school (equivalent of middle school I guess) that where you get to buy snowballs and there's this girl in the game that goes "why thank you" after you purchase some from her. I can't for the life of me remember what that title is but me and my bro love to imitate that phrase with that tone she used. So if anyone knows what the title is, leave a reply somewhere ok? *^_^*

On a side note, after viewing the trailer for Girls Out Loud on tv, I only have one thing to say--Xiaxue is a "celebrity" midget blogger. >_<

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