Thursday, January 20, 2005
welcome to the new yr of my blogging career. i shouldn't quit my day job, i know. it's been what, a month since my last post and so much had happened. quizzes, reports and term tests (yay, last paper was on wednesday 19/01/05) all in a row. and to top it all off, i had prolly left my computer on for said period of time too. bit torrent is taking over the world and my power bills. it's all a big conspiracy!
my project is getting nowhere. peak detector program chunk is officially gone and my sup wanna c it working in 2 days time! i'm so dead. not saying much since somehow or rather, i had been able to predict that at the start of last semester. my anime collection is growing at such a rapid rate that i don't even haf time to sit down and watch all of them. not saying much either since i normally occupy myself with other useless activities like, chatting or going out. my practical test date is on 21st april. prepping myself mentally since i would prolly fail d 1st time anyways. i am so confident, ya?
and lastly, the real topic of this post. my latest craze, korean actor shin ha gyun/kyun (depending on where u come from). he has taken over my life these couple of weeks. early last wk, i had a chance meeting with the trailer of his latest movie [my brother] in the bus on my way home. and just like that, i'm hooked again. the last time i was that obsessed was back when i first got my hands on [guns n talk] (around 2001 perhaps?). he had captured my attention and held it for more than d usual 3 min time span. i had sourced out most of the eastern parts of singapore for his other movies and returned with 2. now, my obsession is going global. since i knew i can't find all the rest in sg, i went on ebay n ordered the most worthwhile *cough*cheapest*cough* movies i could find and loaned a credit card from my uncle. totalled abt SGD$70. =3 i got a small rebate of 20 bux from said uncle too. anyways, this wk had been anxiously waiting n waiting and finally it came! 2 on monday and 1 on wednesday. but still i haven go watch that very new one in singapore.
a funny story abt him being my obsession. i got a small black n white pic of him and plastered it on my msn display pic and a friend asked me who he was. i gave an offhand comment of him being my blur-looking bf and that friend was like "phew... almost said d wrong thing. i was abt to comment on y u put such an average looking person there". bwahahaha... didn't get d chance to break it to him so i'll c how long i can play this out.
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